Supernova FAQs

Posted by Sara Malcom on

What is Supernova?

Supernova is a revolutionary range of alcohol free, hand and surface germ protection products which are all independently proven to kill 99.9% of bacteria, spores, viruses and fungi on contact including Coronavirus, Ebola, Clostridium difficile, MRSA, and Norovirus.

Why is Supernova different?

Firstly, Supernova is alcohol free which means it kills more germ types than alcohol gels. Unlike alcohol hand gels and alcohol surface wipes, Supernova is proven effective against spores such as Clostridium difficile which causes diarrhoea and non enveloped viruses such as Norovirus which causes winter vomiting sickness.

Secondly Supernova is the first range of sporicidal products to be effective against spores and non enveloped viruses yet still be safe and gentle enough to be used on hands and surfaces safely, no mixing of chemicals or activating of wipes is required simply grab Supernova and go.

What germs is Supernova effective against?

Supernova is effective against 99.9% of bacteria, spores, viruses and fungi, including, gram positive and gram negative bacteria, enveloped and non enveloped viruses and spore forming bacteria including the following organism types:

    • Staphylococcus – Impetigo, skin infections, wound infections
    • Pseudomonas – Wound infections, abscesses, urinary tract infections, conjunctivitis
    • E. coli – Urinary tract infections, wound infections, sickness, diarrhoea
    • Enterococcus – Bactereamia, urinary tract infections, sickness, diarrhoea
    • Salmonella – Sickness, diarrhoea
    • Listeria – Meningitis, diarrhoea
    • Legionella – Legionnaires disease, Pontiac fever
    • Bacillus (spp) – Septicemia, food poisoning
    • Clostridium – Tetanus, diarrhoea, botulism
    • Aspergillus – Aspergillosis, respiratory infections, wound infections
    • Candida – Dermatitis, thrush, skin infections
    • Norovirus – Winter vomiting sickness
    • SARS – Severe acute respiratory syndrome
    • Influenza H1N1 – Swine flu, Avian flu, coughs, colds, flu
    • Hepatitis A-E – Blood borne infections, liver damage
    • Coronavirus – Fever, cough, respiratory failure, death
    • Ebola – fever, muscle pain, sickness, impaired liver and kidney function
    • Respiratory Syncytial Virus – Fever, internal and external bleeding, death
    • HIV – Human Immunodeficiency Virus, AIDS

Is Supernova effective against Coronavirus?

Yes. Supernova has been independently proven effective against Coronavirus.

Why should I use Supernova Hand Sanitisers instead of alcohol hand gels?

Supernova has many advantages over alcohol based products:

Alcohol gels do not kill spores or non enveloped viruses. Supernova is effective against spores and viruses such as Clostridium difficile, and Norovirus.

Alcohol gels often contain in excess of 70% alcohol which can irritate skin causing hands to crack and bleed. Supernova is alcohol free which means it won’t dry or crack hands.

Alcohol gels have no residual protection, Supernova is proven effective up to 2 hours after its application on hands and 2 weeks on hard surfaces.

Alcohol gels are flammable and can be used as a way of inflicting damage to people or property. Supernova is non flammable and therefore can not be used in this way.

Alcohol gels often have religious implications, Supernova is alcohol free.

Alcohol gels used in public places can be stolen and drank by alcoholics, Supernova is alcohol free and is therefore of no interest to alcoholics.

Should I use Supernova instead of washing my hands with soap and water?

No. Washing your hands regularly is the single most effective way of protecting yourself from illness. Supernova is simply one of your best alternatives when soap and water are not available or when a higher level of sanitisation is required.

Why should I use Supernova Surface Sanitisers instead of hypochlorite (chlorine bleach) or peracetic acid based surface sanitisers?

Supernova has many advantages over hypochlorite (chlorine bleach) or peracetic acid based products: Supernova is safer for the end user and anyone who is in close proximity to the products. Chlorine releases toxic fumes which can be carcinogenic and cause respiratory problems, whilst peracetic acid products are expensive and unstable in use and in storage. Chlorine and peracetic acid products require time consuming preparation methods before use. Supernova is ready to use immediately Supernova’s simplicity of use and non hazardous formulation increases compliance among staff which thereby helps reduce Clostridium difficile and Norovirus rates in hospitals.

How can I be sure Supernova works?

Supernova has been independently tested at UK accredited laboratories to European Standards EN1276, EN13704, EN1650, EN14476, EN1500, EN13727, EN14561, EN13624 and PrEN16777 against 99.9% of the most common germs that cause illness. The majority of the testing was carried out at Alcontrol and BluScientific Test Data Laboratories. Further testing has been completed to ensure compatibility with different materials, user safety and tests to identify residual activity.

Do I need to clean first before using Supernova?

No. Supernova contains a small amount of detergent so lightly soiled hands or surfaces do not require to be cleaned before applying Supernova. If however, hands or surfaces are heavily soiled with debris it is advisable to brush or wipe the debris away first before applying Supernova.

Do I need to wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as masks, gloves, aprons etc when using Supernova?

No. Supernova has been proven non hazardous to human health, and is safe to use on hands. The formulation is extremely mild and fragrance free therefore PPE is not required.

Is Supernova subject to pathogen resistance?

No. Supernova works by both physically and chemically damaging the bacterial cell rather than affecting its metabolism, the blend of biocides also have different modes of action, this means that pathogens will not become used to, or resistant, to Supernova over time.

Where can Supernova be used?

Supernova is designed to be safe to use on all hands and work surfaces. Supernova will not damage rubbers, plastics or metals unlike alcohol based products which often damage these materials after prolonged use.

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