
Health & Safety

The Directors of Nelson Dish & Glasswashing Machines Ltd acknowledge their responsibility for the implementation of the companies Health & Safety Policy.

It is the aim of the Directors, as is reasonably practicable to achieve the following objectives:

  • To create as far is reasonably possible an accident-free working environment for all persons.

  • To design and implement safe working practices which will benefit all persons wherever the working environment.

  • To investigate all serious accidents, as defined in the Reporting of Injuries, Disease and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995, to any person without delay and always within twenty four hours of notification and all other accidents/incidents within ten days where considered appropriate.

  • To provide health and safety training to all staff on a programmed basis and in accordance with the Training Policy set out in the Safety Policy.

  • To provide instruction and information to all persons working within the Company as regularly as is necessary and always in relation to new legislation as soon as possible after its implementation.

  • To carry out Risk Assessments of all work tasks as required by the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and to ensure these are communicated to staff as appropriate.

  • To monitor the effective of the Safety Policy throughout its activities in accordance with the Safety Policy.

  • To ensure that adequate financial provision is made by the company to address issues relative to Health & Safety.


John Nelson


16th January 2023

Waste Management & Environmental Policy

Our commitment and approach to environmental issues is demonstrated the following policy statement.

We acknowledge our role in protecting the environment and our policy is to develop and implement environmental strategies within the Environmental Management System that provides the systematic structure and methodology for achieving this policy.

The policy is to develop and implement environmental strategies within the Environmental Management System.

  • Are site and / or area and / or product / service specific

  • Promote the reduction of any adverse impact on the environment arising from the direct and indirect activities of the business

  • Meet, and where practicable exceed, all relevant statutory requirements

  • Seek to continually improve our environmental performance

  • Ensure that all members of staff are kept fully aware of environmental matters that have an impact on our business.

We will measure that current level of performance through an environmental impact audit and set clear, realistic and specific targets of improvement each year. The targets will be set by the Directors and the system will have an appropriate strategy which satisfies all the required objectives, has clear responsibilities and is effectively resourced. Performance will then be measured and reviewed on a regular basis to ensure the effectiveness of the Environmental Management System.

Overall responsibility for environmental performance rests with the Director who is charged with the legal role.

Our employees are responsible for their role of supporting the environmental stance of the Company within the constraints and positioning of our business.


John Nelson


16th January 2023

Equal Opportunities

The Company is an equal opportunity employer and is fully committed to a policy of treating all of its employees and job applicants equally. The Company will avoid unlawful discrimination in all aspects of employment including recruitment and selection, promotion, transfer, opportunities for training, pay and benefits, other terms of employment, discipline, selection for redundancy and dismissal.

The Company will take all reasonable steps to employ, train and promote employees on the basis of their experience, abilities and qualifications without regard to age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race (including colour, nationality and ethnic or national origins), religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. In this policy, these are known as the “protected characteristics”.

Employees have a duty to co-operate with the Company to make sure that this policy is effective in ensuring equal opportunities and in preventing discrimination. Action will be taken under the Company’s disciplinary procedure against any employee who is found to have committed an act of improper or unlawful discrimination.


John Nelson


16th January 2023

Modern Slavery Policy

Modern slavery is a crime resulting in an abhorrent abuse of the human rights of vulnerable workers. It can take various forms, such as slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour and human trafficking. The Company has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and is committed to acting ethically and with integrity and transparency in all of its business dealings and relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking are not taking place anywhere within either its own business or in any of its supply chains, consistent with its obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2015. The Company also expects the same high standards from all of its suppliers, contractors and other business partners and, as part of its contracting processes, it includes specific prohibitions against the use of modern slavery and expects that its suppliers will in turn hold their own suppliers to the same standards.

Identifying potential victims of modern slavery can be a challenge because the crime can manifest itself in many different ways. There is a spectrum of abuse and it is not always clear at what point, for example, poor working practices and lack of health and safety awareness have become instances of human trafficking, slavery or forced labour in a work environment. In addition, some suppliers may go to great lengths to hide the fact that they are using slave labour. However, the Company accepts that it has a responsibility through its due diligence processes to ensure that workers are not being exploited, that they are safe and that relevant employment, health and safety and human rights laws and standards are being adhered to, including freedom of movement and communications.

This policy applies to all individuals working for the Company or on the Company’s behalf in any capacity, including employees, directors, officers, agency workers, volunteers, agents, contractors, consultants and business partners.


John Nelson


16th January 2023

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy 

1. Statement of Commitment

At Nelson Dish & Glasswashing Machines, we are committed to promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion throughout all aspects of our operations. We believe that the wide array of perspectives that result from such diversity bolsters our innovation, customer service, and overall excellence. We strive to create an inclusive workplace where all employees feel valued, respected, and engaged.

2. Scope of the Policy

This policy applies to all aspects of our operations, including but not limited to recruitment, hiring, training, promotion, compensation, benefits, social programs, and customer service. It encompasses all employees, directors, contractors, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders.

3. Definitions

  • Equality is the fair treatment of people regardless of their gender, race, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation, or age.
  • Diversity recognizes and values the differences and individuality of all employees.
  • Inclusion is creating a supportive and respectful environment that values the contribution of all employees.

4. Legal Framework

As an employer in the UK, we are bound by several laws and regulations related to equal rights, including but not limited to the Equality Act 2010, which protects individuals from unfair treatment and promotes a fair and more equal society.

5. Principles and Practices

We are committed to:

  • Ensuring all employees and job applicants receive equal treatment.
  • Avoiding any form of discrimination or victimization.
  • Promoting an inclusive culture that values the diversity of our workforce.
  • Making reasonable adjustments for employees with disabilities.
  • Providing training and development opportunities to all staff.
  • Actively promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace.

6. Roles and Responsibilities

Our directors are responsible for implementing and monitoring this policy. They will regularly review and update this policy, provide training and resources, respond to any complaints, and ensure that all staff understand and comply with the policy.

7. Policy Review

This policy will be reviewed annually, or more frequently if legislative or operational changes necessitate.

8. Complaints Procedure

Any complaints relating to breaches of this policy should be reported to a director. We will ensure that all complaints are investigated promptly, confidentially, and without fear of reprisal.


John Nelson


26th July 2023